Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Honey Oatmeal Sugar Cookies

Cook With Honey by Judy Collins
I was a little dismayed that I had already used Sugar, Sugar by The Archies and briefly considered using it again for this post anyway.  But then I wandered around my iTunes library and found this perfectly acceptable pairing from my Judy Collins collection.  Honey has been on my brain lately.  I'll be telling you why shortly.  But, in the meantime, click on the link in the song title and take a trip to 1973!

A couple weeks ago I had the opportunity
to spend the day at my brother and sister-in-law's
bakery and cafe in Bountiful, Utah.
and they serve delicious soups,
salads, and sandwiches as well as cookies,
brownies, pies, and all sorts of
goodies to satisfy your sweet tooth!
It was fun to be back in a 
commercial kitchen again!

Honey has been my principal sweetener 
the past several months and I've learned
to use it in both savory and sweet dishes.
example of one of the savory recipes
I've come up with.
And today's recipe is a sweet offering.

Monday, July 3, 2017

Berry Patriotic Rice Krispie Treats

Yankee Doodle Dandy by James Cagney
This was one of my favorite songs to sing when I was a little kid.  I mean, any song that has the word "doodle" in it is going to be fun to sing, right?  Just try to sing this and not feel happy!  And I am certainly happy and proud to be a Yankee.  Not as in the baseball team - but a true Yank!  I've been called a Yankee or Yank when I've been in the southern United States as I've always been a northerner.  I've also been called a Yank when traveling abroad.  And I own it loud and proud.  I hope you're celebrating this great nation this Independence Day!

This might very well be the most
dangerous post I've ever done!
I'm happy to report that my
eyelashes are working just fine 
and doing what they're put there to do!

Let me explain!