Saturday, December 31, 2011

A New Year, A New Look

What A Wonderful World by Louis Armstrong
There's no recipe today but an announcement of something I'm really excited about!  I did want to share a song, though, that goes with how I'm feeing about life right now.  I fight back the negativity being heaped upon us daily by surrounding myself with super positive influences - people, music, books, and mindsets.  I slip now and then, but, for the most part I'd call myself a positive person.  Take the photo above, for instance.  I get honest happiness from a bowl of cut-up fruit.  The colors excite me, the flavors dazzle my tastebuds, and, without fail, others are happy to enjoy it as well.  I love the happy yet incredibly simple resolve of this song.  It's not the lavish or flamboyant material things in which we find joy.  Just open your eyes, look around, and seek it out.  It's there.  May you seek the joy this new year!

This post is to let you in on a project I've been working on for the past couple months.

I was so excited to get this blog up and running that I put together it's "look" on my own, drawing on my limited knowledge as a photographer and web designer - which is zero.  I knew from the start that I'd be wanting a "facelift" sooner or later.

Luckily, I crossed paths with a wonderful young lady "sooner" than I thought I would who had all the skills I lacked in those departments.  Elizabeth and I have been putting our heads together and she's come up with a blog design that I'm super excited to share with all of you!  It will be making it's debut here soon so don't be shocked when you come on over and things look different!  Both of our families have been under the weather so be patient!

I have a few ideas that I want to incorporate into the blog along with the new look - such as printable recipe cards.  Again - Elizabeth has done such a wonderful job figuring out exactly what I wanted!  Isn't it exciting when someone succeeds in making sense of your gibberish - and then turning that gibberish into something wonderful?

So - for now - here's a sneak peak at what the new header will look like:

If you're needing someone with photography and design skills, contact Elizabeth!  She's been such a treat to work with!

Contact info:

or through her photography website:

1 comment:

  1. Love the new header and I'm really excited for the print option!
