Thursday, December 26, 2013

The Top Recipes of 2013

It's the end of the year and
everyone is making lists - me included!

It's been another enjoyable year
as you've invited me into your homes
and let me share good food
and wonderful music.

I can't thank you enough!

As I look over this list of
2013 posts which have garnered
the most visits, I'm so happy
to see so many of my personal favorites
among them!
There's just something very satisfying
in knowing that others
find your "likes" appealing as well!

And here we go:

If you happened to miss one of these
favorites throughout the year,
go ahead and click and go
make a visit!
You'll be with lots of company!

I look forward to more recipes, music,
and visits in 2014!
See you right here!

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