Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Middle Eastern Basmati Rice

Midnight At the Oasis by Maria Muldaur
I've traveled quite a bit but never to the Middle East.  So in choosing a song for this week's recipe I grabbed at the first song that popped into my mind when I thought "Hmmmm.  A song that reminds me of the Middle East....."  It was 1974 and I was 14 years old growing up in a busy steel town in northwestern Pennsylvania.  And this song was the only information I had regarding what life must be like living as a nomad in the desert.  I could picture it - the beautiful oasis surrounded by tall palm trees.  It was all imagery overload for an impressionable young teen.  My mother pursed her lips whenever it came on the radio so that told me that "kick up a little dust" was probably more than shuffling along the sand dunes really quick.  Hahaha!  But this song formed my view of life in the Middle East until well into adulthood.  Too bad I hadn't known about the spices - that would have completed the picture so nicely!

While in Salt Lake City, Utah
recently, we joined my brother and sister-in-law
for lunch at a Middle Eastern restaurant.
I was worried if I'd find something
I could eat within the AIP guidelines.
Luckily there were a few options!
I looked longingly at the bread, though!
Gluten and grains!!!!
I miss you!!!

Sadly, I can't remember what I ordered.
I know it was good.
Apparently not memorable.
But as soon as my husband's plate
came out with the most beautiful
yellow rice on it, I had eyes 
for nothing else!